

Lelampahan Edojie (The JoURNEY) part 8 + art works

Silent Cry written and arranged by edojie.

Don’t know how
Would I walk through upon my days?
Ever you left behind
Since your love away
You’ve drove me lifeless like a feather
That blown up high
Living in misery

Don’t know why
So hard to stand off memories
Ever you left inside
Been years have they stayed
Though if a closed eyes still would be there
Don’t fade away
Of being loved the other day

I’ve gone much too far
With each careful step to take
Still I go stumbled down
Loosing my faith
Don’t know how to stand on
Don’t know what to do
As all I have inside
Only a silent cry

Far to high
The dreams been built up together
Thought that would last and stand
Forever and ever
Though time should go on by
We’d hold on changing never
Were now living a memory

I’ve gone much too far
With each careful step to take
Still I go stumbled down
Loosing my faith
Don’t know how to hold on
Would you tell me too
Only a silent cry
Yes it's A silent cry
Only a silent cry

Old Works Unpublished Ever (par-deux)

*Macro Mode On/ auto Off
* Macro Mode On/ Auto Off

* Macro Mode On/ Auto Off

*Macro Mode On/ Auto Off

*Macro Mode Off/ Auto On
*Macro Mode Off/ Auto On Tricked
Overall Conclusion: Although this gadget can't be compared to a real Digital Camera barely, somehow the result of the picture produced is quiet good enough to fulfil the need of grabbing a good quality photo while a real Digital Camera is incidentally unavailable (forgot to brink, haven’t got any, etc).
Dhamma Viriya


Edojie's Works In The New World

Olga Vanessa

Picture taken by Benedict Hendra, Retouched by Edojie


F. O. 171106/a gift/

Aku & Kamu

Apa c artinya suka??
Pertama kali melihatmu..ak langsung suka..
Begitu suka..ak jd ingin tau..
Begitu tau..ak jd mkn suka..
Ak suka kamu bukan hanya sekedar tertarik,

lebih dari itu..
Lebih dari apa yang selama ini terlihat,
Lebih dari apa yang selama ini terdengar,
Lebih dari apa yang selama ini terucap..

Apa c artinya sayang??
Bersamamu membuatku s'lalu merasa dibutuhkan & membutuhkan
Saat ak membutuhkanmu, kamu hadir dsampingku
Saat kamu butuhkanku, ak berusaha untuk ada d sekelilingmu
Tak ragu ku katakan bahwa ak sayang kamu..

Apa kamu melihatnya..?
Apa kamu mendengarnya..?
Apa kamu merasakannya..?

Kisah yang indah dan tak terlupakan saat qt bersama akhirnya menjadikan ini suatu kenangan..
Kenangan manis yang hanya qt miliki tanpa "mereka" tau
Kenangan pahit yang terlihat oleh "mereka" karena "mereka"
Kenangan manis yang qt buat dan qt simpan sendiri
Kenangan pahit yang qt simpan karena qt buat sendiri..

Satu kisah penuh arti..
antara aku dan kamu
Dengan beribu kenangan tak terlupakan..
milik qt...
di antara qt...

written by://f. o./17.11.2006/ex


Lelampahan Edojie (The JoURNEY) part 7 + art works

God’s Grace On Thee

God's grace on thee,
Where all men worship.
Those beauty eyes o' thee,
The smile on thine gentle lips.

Thy tender heart's the wind.
Blowst in winter with warm embrace.
The frozen life o' those who seen,
Burnth by the presence o' thine lovely face.

Men shall've thee unnoticed not;
E'en angels bow down at thee,
The finest creation o' all His pot.

Then 'ere I stand o' a pilgrim,
Follow those angels that worship,
God's grace on thee which never dim.

Have Thou Notice Ever?

Have thou notice ever?
When thou stand by the mirror,
It looketh at thee in admire.

In silence always ‘tis rejoicing,
Speechless the mirror unquestioning,
O’ where thine beauty mayeth be coming.

‘twas His work un-doubtfully,
God’s hands toucheth were so clearly,
That showeth in thee amazingly.