Lelampahan Edojie (The JoURNEY) part 8 + art works

Would I walk through upon my days?
Ever you left behind
Since your love away
You’ve drove me lifeless like a feather
That blown up high
Living in misery
Don’t know why
So hard to stand off memories
Ever you left inside
Been years have they stayed
Though if a closed eyes still would be there
Don’t fade away
Of being loved the other day
I’ve gone much too far
With each careful step to take
Still I go stumbled down
Loosing my faith
Don’t know how to stand on
Don’t know what to do
As all I have inside
Only a silent cry
Far to high
The dreams been built up together
Thought that would last and stand
Forever and ever
Though time should go on by
We’d hold on changing never
Were now living a memory
I’ve gone much too far
With each careful step to take
Still I go stumbled down
Loosing my faith
Don’t know how to hold on
Would you tell me too
Only a silent cry
Yes it's A silent cry
Only a silent cry
Old Works Unpublished Ever (par-deux)

F. O. 171106/a gift/
Apa c artinya suka??
Pertama kali melihatmu..ak langsung suka..
Begitu suka..ak jd ingin tau..
Begitu tau..ak jd mkn suka..
Ak suka kamu bukan hanya sekedar tertarik,
lebih dari itu..
Lebih dari apa yang selama ini terlihat,
Lebih dari apa yang selama ini terdengar,
Lebih dari apa yang selama ini terucap..
Apa c artinya sayang??
Bersamamu membuatku s'lalu merasa dibutuhkan & membutuhkan
Saat ak membutuhkanmu, kamu hadir dsampingku
Saat kamu butuhkanku, ak berusaha untuk ada d sekelilingmu
Tak ragu ku katakan bahwa ak sayang kamu..
Apa kamu melihatnya..?
Apa kamu mendengarnya..?
Apa kamu merasakannya..?
Kisah yang indah dan tak terlupakan saat qt bersama akhirnya menjadikan ini suatu kenangan..
Kenangan manis yang hanya qt miliki tanpa "mereka" tau
Kenangan pahit yang terlihat oleh "mereka" karena "mereka"
Kenangan manis yang qt buat dan qt simpan sendiri
Kenangan pahit yang qt simpan karena qt buat sendiri..
Satu kisah penuh arti..
antara aku dan kamu
Dengan beribu kenangan tak terlupakan..
milik qt...
di antara qt...
Lelampahan Edojie (The JoURNEY) part 7 + art works

When thou stand by the mirror,
It looketh at thee in admire.
In silence always ‘tis rejoicing,
Speechless the mirror unquestioning,
O’ where thine beauty mayeth be coming.
‘twas His work un-doubtfully,
God’s hands toucheth were so clearly,
That showeth in thee amazingly.
My BrotherScoot Family

Ride With Pride
Flashing back to the year of 2007, precisely on March 11th, there was a group of STiBA Satya Wacana (also known as School of Foreign Languages Satya Wacana abbreviated to SFL-SW) Students about 10 Students of any grade (some had became alumni) who were united by the resemblance of their transportation means which in this case were Vespa scooter motors that were used to attend any of their school activities inside or outside the campus. They were then ultimately declaring an automotive organization of a Vespa lover named Side Machine BrotherScoot SFL-SW. The name BrotherScoot was chosen after quite long and often discussion and meeting held in which several names were brought to the surface. Among of them are STiBA Scooter Owner Group, Homo Scooterist Vespanicus, Side Machine BrotherScoot SFL-SW, etc. Nonetheless, the name Side Machine BrotherScoot SFL-SW was then chosen as an acclamation due to the meaning contended by the name.
As times gone by, member of the Side Machine BrotherScoot SFL-SW were expanded not only to students but also to other elements of the institutions. That were, staff and workers of SFL Satya Wacana. The name it self was also revised through the elimination of the words Side Machine. The elimination was committed based on the idea of not being such a selfish nor arrogant scooter motor club by considering the fact that Vespa was not the only classic European scooter imported and brought inside the country over decades but there were others as well such as Lambretta, Motobi, Berlin, and Etc. Even more, members of Side Machine BrotherScoot SFL-SW at that time did not necessarily have to have a Vespa scooter motor. Those who ride any types of motorcycle or even none as long as they were SFL Satya Wacana students or other elements as explained, kin on scooter and have the spirit of socialism inside their mind and soul which leads them to be able to and willing to share to others could join in and become the member of this organization.
Unfortunately, by the year of 2008 a blistering incident happened to this organization, some rejection appeared and was aimed to the appearance of this organization in SFL Satya Wacana livelihood. Such rejection which leads to the elimination of the SFL Satya Wacana’s Label (SFL-SW) on the organization name out of such uncertainty whether The BrotherScoot was still be considered as part of the SFL Satya Wacana institutions or not as one of the Students Activity Unit under the Student’s Senate organization. The organization name had now been changed into The BrotherScoot only with a keep hold upon the former meaning of this compound word.
The BrotherScoot was then expanding the member qualification of joining in not only to the SFL Satya Wacana students but also to the commons as long as they have the same overview to the former members considering about scooter hood. Accidentally, the majority members who joined in after The BrotherScoot “go public” were still students or alumni. Only this time the students or alumni who had joined in were coming from various faculties of different university but SFL Satya Wacana. They were coming from Satya Wacana Christian University (SWCU) Salatiga, Universitas Muhamadiyah Surakarta (UMS) -Mohammedans University of Surakarta, and so on.
As any other motor clubs commonly do, rolling thunder (travelling by motorcycle) had also been done by members of The BrotherScoot and in fact the organization had gotten its noticed, appreciation and respect from other motor clubs through out the country especially the scooter motor clubs by this rolling thunder as they had reached more than 1000km length of their first province to province intra continental touring which was also the second touring done by the BrotherScoot. The first rolling thunder was done to an invitation sent by Magelang Scooter Club which located in the Borobudur temple Magelang Central Java Indonesia due to the inviter club’s 16th anniversary. The second rolling which can also be marked as the introduction touring as what have been explain in the previous paragraph was done due to the invitation of the Pangandaran scooter community -over various scooter clubs- West Java. The invitation was sent over a regular national scooter gathering event which held annually by Pangandaran scooter community. It was quite a nice touring as it was located at the Pangandaran Beach. Both of those rolling thunder activities were taking place on the same year (2008) but of a different month.

Yet the currently challenging as well fascinating rolling thunder done by The BrotherScoot’s members was the touring done end of this May 2009. It was another province to province intra continental touring which nicely and sophisticatedly done by The BrotherScoot. The destination was again West Java but of a different location. It was Bandung West Java Indonesia which is also known as Parijs Van Java (The Paris of Java) under invitation of the Anniversary of The International Scooter Owner Group where this very city is the Mother Chapter of this organization. The long, hard and winding road to take to the destination had not been such obstacles to The BrotherScoot. Somehow it had been a challenging journey that strengthened the brotherhood ties among all members who involved in that very rolling thunder.
Beside all those rolling thunder activities, The BrotherScoot had also scored an achievement as the organization appointed as a member of the prime committee in charge of an annual international scooter event done on December 2008 under the authority of the Indonesian Scooter Motor Community. The event’s name was The 3rd Java Scooter Rendezvous which was held in Magelang Central Java Indonesia. The Fact that members of The BrotherScoot are mainly university students had probably made the organization of being chosen as member of the committee by considering the responsibility to bare where brain was needed more than muscles more as it was an international occasion in which a serious handling should be committed to have the event done successfully. Yet it was.
The BrotherScoot is proudly declared that this club is different to others as an organization. Others are living because of their members but The BrotherScoot is not as the members are living because of The BrotherScoot. Common clubs order their members to hand in some cash whether weekly, fortnightly or monthly in order to obtain the club’s fund. In the contrary, The BrotherScoot had found a different way in gaining its club’s fund by facilitating members’ hobby in playing music to make it saleable by finding any possible job on music performance involving all members which in the end the cash obtained through out each performance is then split. Some to pay those who performs and the rest amount is kept as the club’s fund which would be use by all means necessarily to cover the club member expends in any given occasion such as, rolling thunder, club’s uniform, merchandising, and so on. One clear example of this could be seen on The BrotherScoot Acoustics Band performance every Friday night starting from 8pm up to 12pm at Tweede Lekker CafĂ© on Jl. Brigjend Sudiarto Salatiga.
All the achievements gained by the BrotherScoot had not turned its members into such an arrogant being. The BrotherScoot is willing still to have any relation to others especially motor clubs through out not only this very country but even further this very world. This is aimed not only to show that The BrotherScoot is or just to gain new acquaintances as well but also to learned and share. Such taking and give action of how a club should be organized well. Due to this, in other to build relations to others the BrotherScoot do not based upon the conventional way through out a direct meeting only but also taking the modern way by using the internet. It had built a blog account and a social network account (Blogspot and Facebook). Those who are interested in could check The BrotherScoot’s pages on http://www.wearebrotherscoot.blogspot.com and also its Facebook profile http://www.facebook.com/brotherscoot.
Above all, trough out all the stories above, of all highs and lows, ups and downs, and straight and bends which had been experienced by The BrotherScoot, when a BrotherScoot member is being asked of how they feel of becoming a BrotherScoot member they would be saying: “we are proud of what we are. We ride with pride as we are one; we ride with pride for we have one another and we’ll keep riding to mould as better. We ride with pride because we are BrotherScoot”. One and togetherness is the basic foundation of this organization so to say. Through the motto that always been kept inside of each every the BrotherScoot member “Ex Unitate Vires” which means through unity there is strength, the BrotherScoot members had been tied up one to another. Together they had passed all the obstacles which they had survived from and afraid not to face what to come for each member believe that they would not be alone as other member would willingly support them.Fin

Lelampahan Edojie (The JoURNEY) part 6

I’ve brought you all the beauties.
The sparkling star if possible it is.
Given all that I got,
E’en if it sounds reasonable not.
Yet it seem wasn’t enough to.
You’ve turned your heart away someone else into.
It’s nothing I knew but a game you’ve played.
Never‘d in this life in my heart you stay.
Cheating heart of yours,
Had broken mine to pieces.
That I’ve spent days and hours,
To mend this heart dis-ease.
Now just walk yours self away.
For you with all my heart I’ll pray.
Wish your merry life flow unfailingly.
You should’ve the joy for eternity.
To love you more was all I want to.
More than before, better than one you knew.
But seems never I be the best for you.
Thus you left behind for somebody new.
‘tis not your going which my life sorry.
Nor your cheated heart that brought misery.
Just wondered my self what’s wrong in me.
Hence you broke all oaths all you said to be.
Letting go of you is hard as I know,
For somehow it is a harrowing sorrow,
Yet if it is yours intense to go,
I shall do nothing but stand a willow.
The coldest rain’s cold as my heart
Cold as her bein’ the last day she passed
The closed lips for a smilin’
A shutting eye of a slight seen
My body’s now bad shakin’ its’
Hands tremble and heart crumble
A wall likely loosen its’ bricks
A cut off tree goin’ stumble
I need a grab, a hold I need
To save me out this spinnin’ world
Help me a pull I’m drowning deep
Hold me as firm to standin’ bold.
Leme ask your deepest heart,
O’ have you found the joy.
It’d been while since we apart.
Yet‘ve we found our joy?
No joy or happiness in need
Shall made my burdens lighter
Peaceful life and serenity in deed
Hence I see my world brighter.
Way from you, don’t think I’d move on.
Rather stay and mend my heart.
So don’t you turn just walkin’ on!
Needn’t you not a turn homeward!
Blame me for things I do know not!
Then keep the gold as silence considered!
Was’t the way I talked, my deed, or my thought?
Only wonder should my self considered.
No need to dance your tongue,
Nor lips clappin’ for words,
Truths wouldn’t‘ve to come along.
O’ what things I’ve done worst.
If should my self glance for answer,
Which I demand to show me which,
That you ever give me never,
And run my self a hard way seek.
Hence let it be someday you’ll see.
E’en now I chew all the burdens.
O’er bad things heard probably.
One changed you were in a sudden.
(An Ode To A Goddess)
Cause me to hear thine confession!
Pure as water’t flowst in the spring.
Hence I shall have mine ears openeth.
And I can have mine heart convinceth.
Cause me to see thine truly deeds!
Match any words once been uttereth.
A sine qua non* mine eyes to meet!
Then I shan’t have mine trust hindereth.
Concerneth and calleth angel thee art.
Thy dost shalt be honest and true!
Le’me who see to find they art,
Can stand in trust far from miss clues!

Lelampahan Edojie (The JoURNEY) part 5
Roses art beautiful.
Colours their presence dost.
Red, green, Yellow whatever be they'll.
Their beauties dim ever not.
But a rose’s a rose.
Mayeth've one hurt by its' thorn.
O’er the beauty't glowst,
Much sacrifice to have't owneth.
Loving you
Let go all worries,
Over considerations.
Voluntarily I fall.
In love I surrender.
Never‘ve I regretted.
Given you my heart.
Yet my life is too.
Out given to you.
The moon accompanies the sun,
Day accompanies night and that’s a destiny.
What destiny should be my life then?
Yet I found it out.
To accompany you.
The Power O’ Hope
Impossibilities morph possibilities,
By the power o’ hope,
Thro’ the willing o’ God,
And eagerness o’ our heart.
The Diamond
The Diamond
Once I saw a diamond sparkling in the deepest dark.
She gleams awesomely and glows gorgeously,
Come suddenly then a misty cloud blocking my eyes,
I just can’t see through to grab her sparkling lumen.
Why should it be?
Why can’t I be?
Answers I demand.
Can’t I have this diamond for mine very own?
Even only her blue white sparkling lumen,
Or green sometimes to calm my anxious heart down.
Not the feel of hers being to touch the palm o’ my hands I need,
Just her sparkling colours of magnificent should be my satisfaction.
Found out yet she’s belonged to one won’t share.
I‘d’ve been blind thinking he should let go off his very hand.
I my self should do nothing but likely in equal deed,
If I hold this very diamond in my bare hand upon my very name,
Lelampahan Edojie (The JoURNEY) part 4
I dare my self to dream about,
but I don't dare to have't true.
Thy Presence around’s far beyond the reach o' my hands,
further beyond the touch o' my heart.
Thine love's the most diamond in the world,
None could withdraw gold to worthy with.
As if thine lips're the finest grain o' God's vineyard,
Thine kiss so likely then's the finest wine that one could've.
What am I to afford all of those?
E’en if mine arms spread wide,
a mountain they stand to hug at.
I dare my self to dream about,
as I don't dare to have't true.
When I was with you,
You asked me why I want you,
Then you found no answer but you.
You asked me why I need you,
again you found no answer but you.
You asked me why I love you,
Still you found no answer but you.
Now that you've gone left me on my own,
You ask me why still I wanting you,
You'd find no answer but you.
You ask me why still I needing you,
You'd find nothing but you.
You ask me why can't I forget you, still holding you,
again you'd find no answer, nothing as before but you.
Yes cause ‘tis you and you alone,
the only reason I’ve always inside,
Thro’ out all things that I'm up to.
A Broken Romance
Once in a blast o’ unexpected believes,
In uninvited winds o’ false thunderin’ faiths,
Mine precious had gone for good,
Mourned and cried my heart in lifeless stood.
To live my life my own without you,
Havin’ all these tears and fears to come true.
Thou Art The Only One
Thou art the only One,
Thou’d taketh my life at once.
‘twas thee where my heart goeth,
To whom mayeth my love floweth.
O’er times o’er boundaries,
My love shall not vanish.
Lelampahan Edojie (The JoURNEY) part 3
There was time when I walked in the desert o’ my journey,
‘bout the moment I thought to withdraw o’ such tiresome steps,
my heart told me o’ a paradise lies ahead beyond the tips o’ my toes.
A heavenly pond in a green wood o’ eucalypt trees,
where the proud sun’s concealed his burnin’ heat under its’ leaves.
a drop o’ it to wet their wrinkled thirst throat off.
‘twas peaceful, quiet, and calm hence comfort I found,
‘e longing heart ease’t I’ve demand for long had fin’ly came around.
It greeted me in tenderness, softness and nice embraces,
where soon I fell into the restin’ mind deeper in its’ open arms.
O’er a blink o’ an eye I realized I’d to move on,
Awaken my self o’ the past stands I left behind.
One billabong and the other two had I found before,
All’t stayed a harrowing mem’ries when draughtiness raided.
enough the missing, the fear o’ loosing, and the feels o’ loneliness, I thought.
I’ve once felt before and demand no more.
I hate to say’t, I couldn’t stay though,
Honestly I’d love to but had to move away.
Be’er left her untamed o’ my bare hand,
Let one but me to have his name claimed upon.
Had known be’er my self I wouldn’t be that good,
To keep her gorgeous presence under my very name.
Hence I packed my self o’ old burdens,
Put ‘em on my bag and took a step forward.
Slowly in a full sorry I left such oasis I’d found,
Turning back not my head I commanded to see not her beauty.
Not a stare even a short look I want,
To prevent my feet o’ a turning back walks.
I demanded a vanished mem’ries of her that I did so,
Her sparkling pond and all comforts she offered before.
Soon I believe other would surely find her,
Restin’ in her very arms and stays for good.
Soon I’d find her a different one I knew before,
As one find her and proclaim upon name.
To me I need to forget things about,
Hence I left her behind in name I state in mind,
‘e Forge’nid was what shall stay in mine.

Lelampahan Edojie (The JoURNEY) part 2
Is't wrong for me to keep?
Teelings that I've from the start?
That my nights're hardly sleep,
To think about all things that passeth.
Is't a sin to love thee still,
When thou've gone unwanting me?
E'en my heart shall never heal,
Shall never stop in loving thee.
Is't wrong for loving thee,
Thro' out my days and nights shall be?
For if 'tis wrong to loving thee,
Then let no right shall ever be.
Can Help My Self Not
Can help my self not,
To have this feeling grows.
Still I've my heart bold,
'though I'd had't lose.
Do ask me not,
Why can't I forget!
Once heart attached to you short,
Can't it be released with no regret.
Your smile, your lovely eyes,
Your kisses and warm embraces.
Had far brought me to taste,
What life to be is.
Shall I have't gone?
Can not afford it,
Shall I let't be lose?
Hardly can I choose.
So behold forget it not!
I pronounce this honest and true.
When do I say shall let go not,
Never I lie nor trying to.
Broken, Fallen, Lost
Shall mine heart taketh the cost.
'tis hardest thing to chew.
Thou've left me by,
can not believe 'tis true.
Got mine heart cry,
misty as the morning dew.
Only if I could change the world,
rolling back the time I surely would.
Where I and thee had our own sun,
In the meadow where things begun.
Yet the world's on my side not,
Staring at I a broken pot.
For all feelings that start to grow,
pity as I know shall let them go.
Behold children of palapa!
Hear you mother Nusantara?
Mourning she is in samsara,
Seized upon by Malangkara.
Stand up you fruitd of Nagara!
Fist in the air with Dwi Warna !
To Her you are the pandega,
Be bold to stand in the yudha.
To mother land we sacrifice,
Our mind, our soul, and so our life.
To ending less mahardika,
For the sake of Indonesia.
Through Bhineka Tunggal Ika,
Fear not marching n'gara yudha!
That we'd fight to paripurna,
Bound to expel Malangkara.
ES. June 2009
Lelampahan Edojie (The JoURNEY)
Lord I thank Thee,
Thro’ ups and downs,
Rises and falls,
Thou’ve mouldeth me,
A Better Man. (edojie)
Bringst back thousands o’ old mem’ries.
Drop by drop bringst me a story,
Story o’ thee maketh my heart lovely.
Drop by drop tellst me a story,
When We Got A Chance To Choose Freedom
Standing On The Edge O’ My Sorrow
Standin' on the edge o' my sorrow,
Thou’ve Got A Smile O’ A Fortress